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As it happened: Parliament Proceedings


Opposition parties, led by the Congress, on Thursday, forced multiple adjournments in the two Houses of Parliament. They demanded a response from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the hardships caused to people by the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes.

The Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day soon after it convened. The Rajya Sabha, however, tried to transact some business. But the Opposition demand for Prime Minister's presence in House, Treasury benches' protest againts LoP Ghulam Nabi Azad's comments on ATM deaths and the AIADMK's demand for a discussion on Cauvery led way to slogan-shouting and vocal protests from both sides. After repeated pleas, the Chair adjourned the House till 11 a.m. on Friday.


Mr. Kurien adjourns the House amid protests from both sides.

Minister Ananth Kumar is speaking, voice drowned in slogans. Mr. Kumar wants Mr. Azad's comments expunged and he and the Congress to apologise to the House.

Trinamool apparently unhappy at Mr. Kurien's call to Mr. Yechury. Mr. Kurien heard saying “don't bring WB politics into it."

Now slogans from Treasury side. Mr. Kurien calls Sitaram Yechury to speak.

Slogan shouting and angry exchanges continue. Mr. Kurien says he will look into the records

"Mr. Azad and Congress should apologise to this House

Venkaiah Naidu says Mr. Azad gave a certificate to Pakistan terror by comparing it with deaths in the past week. He wants Mr. Azad's comments expunged.

Opposition members in Well. Shouting slogans demanding PM's presence in the House.

Mr. Azad says BJP is responsible for the “murder of these people”.

LoP Ghulam Nabi Azad is speaking, says people are dying after to the move, draws protests from Treasury benches.

Rajya Sabha reconvenes, Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi rules out rollback of demonetisation move. AIADMK protests, members in the Well of the House.

Rajya Sabha has been adjourned till 3 p.m.

Vikas Vasudeva reports from the Lok Sabha:

Congress leader Mallikaarjun Kharge demands that the Chair accept the adjournment motion. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anant Kumar says the government is ready for a debate but it should be done under Rule 193. He makes it clear that "we are not running away from debate." With that, Congress MPs and other Opposition members start shouting, demanding an adjournment of the House.

Speaker Sumitra Mahajan says it seems the Opposition members don't want discussion but just want to disrupt the House. Question Hour begins as Opposition MPs continue to shout.

Ms. Mahajan asks the Opposition MPs to stop shouting and take their seats if they want a discussion on demonetisation.

Opposition MPs continue to shout, demanding an adjournment. But they seem to be heeding little to Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, who yet again asks Opposition MPs to stop shouting and take their seats.

She continues with Question no.s 22, 23, 24 and 25 even as Opposition MPs continue to raise slogans. The Question Hour ends.

Ms. Mahajan says a debate on demonetisation is possible but there's no need for an adjournment. Meanwhile, there's loud slogan from the Opposition, "Vijay Mallya kahan gaya?(Where did Vijay Mallya go?)".

Congress MP Kharge says the party wants a discussion under Rule 56 of the House and not under Rule 193.

Rule 56 says, "Subject to the provisions of these rules, a motion for an adjournment of the business of the House for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance may be made with the consent of the Speaker".

Rule 193 says, "Any member desirous of raising discussion on a matter of urgent public importance may give notice in writing to the Secretary-General specifying clearly and precisely the matter to be raised:

— Provided that the notice shall be accompanied by an explanatory note stating reasons for raising discussion on the matter in question:

— Provided further that the notice shall be supported by the signatures of at least two other members."

And, the House is adjourned till 12.30 p.m.

Mr. Kharge again raises the demand for an adjournment.. Ms. Mahajan says, "I have disallowed the adjournment." The Congress tries to explain the rationale behind seeking a discussion is under Rule 56. He says, "everyone can participate and can vote as well."

Amidst the uproar, the Speaker adjourns the House — till 11.00 a.m. tomorrow.

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