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know about girivalam

About Girivalam: (14 km)
The circumambulation of Arunachala is known as Giri Pradakshina in Sanskrit and Giri Valam in Tamil. Performing pradakshina of Arunachala is considered to be beneficial in all ways. Typically, pradakshina is done in bare feet, with the Hill on the right. Sri Ramana Maharshi once explained the meaning of the word pradakshina and how it should be done by a devotee: "The letter "Pra" stands for removal of all kinds of sins; "da" stands for fulfilling the desires; "kshi" stands for freedom from future births; "na" stands for giving deliverance through jnana. If by way of Pradakshina you walk one step it gives happiness in this world, two steps, it gives happiness in heaven, three steps, it gives bliss of Satyaloka which can be attained. One should go round either in mouna (silence) or dhyana (meditation) or japa (repetition of Lord's name) or sankeertana (bhajan) and thereby think of God all the time.
Throughout the year, pilgrims engage in a practise called giri valam (circumambulation of Annamalaiyar temple and Annamalai hill 14 km in circumference), considered to be a simple and effective form of yoga. The circumambulation is started from the temple with barefoot and is considered a sacred act.The central government of India asked the Tamil Nadu government through the supreme court to direct the path of girivalam under the provision of the proposed Tamil Nadu Heritage Conservation Act. There are 8 small shrines of lingams located in the 14 km circumference of the hill, each one associated with the 12 moon signs. These are collectively termed as Ashtalingam (meaning 8 lingams) and is considered one of the rituals of worship during the girivalam (circumambulation of the hill).

What is Girivalam?
 This issue of AUMzine is dedicated to Arunachala and the great annual Deepam festival. In this issue and in past issues, we have mentioned that the single most effective spiritual practice known to man is the Arunachala giri valam (circling the Arunachala Hill). This article is an elementary introduction to the Siddha way of circling the Arunachala Hill. It contains material that the Siddhas of the Agasthiar lineage wish to reveal to first timers. More advanced practitioners should consult the Sathguru for procedures specifically tailored to them.
 Giri = Hill, Valam = circumambulation. Hence Giri Valam means circling the hill and Arunachala GiriValam means circling the Arunachala hill.

 Giri Pradakshina or Pradakshanam or parikrama mean exactly the same thing as giri valam - circling the hill.

Meditate on or chant constantly the mantra Arunachala Siva throughout the Giri Valam.

 You may sing bhajans or you may talk about totally spiritual topics like the ones discussed in this Website and in Sri Agasthia Vijayam.

 Please avoid talk of any other kind at least during GiriValam.

 Have some eatables handy so that you may distribute them to the poor and the needy on the way.

 Before you begin your girivalam, buy biscuits and the local porai to feed dogs and monkeys on the Girivalam path. Also bananas to offer to cows.

 Sathguru Venkataraman used to refer to dogs as Bhairava Vahana Moorthi, the vehicle of Lord Kala Bhairava. Feedings dogs during Arunachala GiriValam is not only part of our duty towards our animal brethren; it is also honoring Lord Kala Bhairava.

 How fast or how slow? Sathguru venkataraman used to say: "nirai maadha garbini pol" - walk like a woman in the 9th month of her pregnancy! One should walk that slowly and look at the peak of the Arunachala Hill with every step. That is the Siddha Way of doing Arunachala Girivalam.

 Make sure you do not wear footwear of any kind during the Giri Valam. This rule can not be relaxed; everyone must follow it without exception.

 Enjoy Arunachala's grace to the fullest measure! We are all His sons and daughters and He's waiting to shower His grace on us. The Giri Valam is the easiest way of getting His limitless grace.

Lingam                  Direction    Moon Sign Distance from the starting point
Indra Lingam           East   Vrishabha, Tula (Taurus, Libra) 50 m
Agni Lingam   South East   Simmam (Leo)         1.5 Km
Yama Lingam   South           Viruchigam (Scorpio)         3 Km
Niruthi Lingam    South West   Mesham (Aries)         6 KM
Varuna Lingam         West   Makaram, Kumbam (Capricorn, Aquarius)         8 KM
Vayu Lingam   North West   Kadagam (Cancer)         9.5 KM
Kubera Lingam         North           Dhanush, Meenam (Sagittarius, Pisces) 11 KM
Eesanya Lingam       North East   Mithunam, Kanni (Gemini, Virgo)                       13 Km

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